I was watching my pictures with my university friends.

I think

We don’t have country for old men!

I don’t have enough passion as much as I had.

These days , I can’t even run!

I think

In past

At least

We were motivated , we used to run , we did lots of stupid things

 but today

no , nothing!

every day

While I was doing my bacholar science

If you asked my opinion about university and major

I would answer: they are bullshit!

But if you are confident

I will tell you a big secret

)Some nights (like tonight

I missed those days

When I was a university student and we were playing lots of games with friends and cheating in exams and so on.

You know

I think In every period of time

We should enjoy our life

If you don’t do this , you would be like me!


If I could go back , I think again I would hate those situations

But some nights

At least

I missed my university friends!

I missed you guys!

Saeed / Amir Hossein / Farid / Morteza and I

We were members of oloum tahghighat's gangs!

Saeed was goat

Amir Hossein was gaurd dog

Farid was wolf

Morteza was shepherd

And I

I was donkey

We were the strangest best gang that the earth has ever seen in it's history