از من بپرسید!

حقیقت اینه که دنیا پر از سوالای بی جوابه و من دربه در دنبال پیدا کردن جواب این سوالام، این وبلاگ رو درست کردم تا با هم دنبال جوابای سوالای بی جواب بگردیم

۲ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Dream» ثبت شده است

bitter nightmare

I had fallen asleep 

And I had forgotten to get out of the train.  

When I woke up, the door was closed  

And I could'nt do anything  


I got out at the next station  

And I  changed my direction to come back  

But I made a big mistake .  

Because next train was express train and I wasn't in express station!  

Some nights  

I have a strange dream  

I watch myself  

I watch lots of things happened  

But I am asleep(I am not awake)  

I can seize lots of opportunities  

I do what I can do  

 But I can't wake myself up!  

I think   

maybe it's not a dream  

It's some kind of bitter nightmare! 

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰
سعید مولایی

My friend

Dear my friend

How are you?

If you want to know about me and what I'm  doing here,I must say: I'm good. Most  of the times, I'm resting on my couch out of my home, infront of the lake and I'm watching birds flying.

What are you doing my friend? Are you still working dawn to dusk to have on average life? 

If you ask me,yes, I have a job here and I have to be there for 8 hours! But I don't have anything to do and most of the time, I read books or watch movies.

Oh,my friend,have you ever heard about hawaii island's interests?

I went there two weeks ago.

You know my friend,it was great.

Jungle and sea collaborate to make a fabulous view.

But,I want to tell you an important truth!

In hawaii,when I was walking in the jungle, I slid and I fell in to the valley!

To be honest! I died that day!

I think,just dead people can say:

I am resting on the couch and seeing lake and ... .

But I don't work and everything is happy and etc.

My dear friend

If you want to rest on the couch and see lake

Just call me

I'd like to see you again!


P.s: here's my new address:

Hell, the couch infront of the melting lake!


۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰
سعید مولایی